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Friday December 19, 2003

Questions on my mind tonight

This week I officially started my break from the lab, and already I'm finding myself missing my beautiful babies, my rats. There are 70+ little buggers I left behind to be cared for by someone who hired me to do the job myself... It was nice of him to give me a few weeks off, but honestly, I like my job. I really do (well, everything that doesn't involve training 15 people one a time to edit data and use the lab equipment).

This new abundance of free time has thrown me off my routine, and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I've been reading a lot, grad school (not Christmas) shopping, and designing a couple web sites. It feels strange to be working at home at 1:30 pm on a weekday. My vacation has also given me some time to do a little pondering, and these random questions have been bouncing around my noggin lately:

Why the heck did all of my bonsais drop foliage and go naked? Did I offend them in some way? Bonsais, I watered you, bought you a grow light, gave you some moss... why must you treat me this way?

I'm no longer disgusted by the thought of a rodent peeing on me (since it's now happened several dozen times). Is that bad?

Christian people have justified the war in Iraq by pointing out just wars in the Old Testament. But what I want to know is, would Jesus Christ have dropped bombs on the people of Iraq? Are we not to strive for the good rather than the not sinful?

Why can I not remember what I was doing a year ago this time? Was it really that forgettable? (Yeah, probably).

Is there anyone out there who is truly free of all psychological disorder? Don't we all fall somewhere between the poles on that graded scale of pathology? Is anyone really normal, or aren't we all at least a wee bit nutty? (I mean, except for me, of course).

Why does Fat Bastard keep eating my sweaters?


Dear Drina,
I absolutely agree with what you said about Christians and the war. I also agree with you on that topic of psychological disorder. I am studying currently psychology and in clinical psychology it is no secret that basically every person has some disorders. The question is only, how well you can cope with the disorders you have. Those who can�t are those you see in therapy, getting into trouble or bringing others into it or comitting suicide.
Yours truthfully, Jasmin

Jazzz on December 21, 2003 07:21 PM

Dear Drina,
I absolutely agree with what you said about Christians and the war. I also agree with you on that topic of psychological disorder. I am studying currently psychology and in clinical psychology it is no secret that basically every person has some disorders. The question is only, how well you can cope with the disorders you have. Those who can�t are those you see in therapy, getting into trouble or bringing others into it or comitting suicide.
Yours truthfully, Jasmin

Jazzz on December 21, 2003 07:24 PM

actually, I don't believe Jesus Christ would have done it exactly the way we did...after all, he is God, not mere humans like ourselves....Remember humans all have faults, we are not as a result we have to do things by our means, not by Jesus Christ's. As humans we can only hope that it was the right thing to do. Just as we can only have hoped that fighting in WWII was right which in retrospect was the right thing to do when we found out about the systematic anialation of the Jews..... Believe me in the future we will look upon the attack of Iraq as a just thing to do. Not because it was the most perfect way to accomplish our goals, but because it was the only way we could accomplish our goals. After all, didn't we try other ways???

Jesse on December 27, 2003 11:27 AM