Friday December 31, 2004
Some advice this Eve
Make memories, drive safely, and strive to live better than this. Have a wonderful new year, and remember you're blessed.
Hey these smilEly things are awesome!
that was a random order... er [B]HAPPPY NEW YEAR[B]

Happy New Year! But, if we don't drive safely, can we then run over the person who writes that baloney on the page you linked to?

Hello. I'm going to give you the long story of how I came upon your site so that you're not wondering. I saw IT on late night tv on USA and I remembered hearing something about Jonathan Brandis' Suicide. I looked up some articles and came across your blog and your jb site. So...I've been reading and wanted to leave you a note. I only have a xanga (and it's not as interesting as this) but I think blogs look so much cooler! lol Seriously. :)

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