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Saturday November 06, 2004

Reverse rat mohawk. That's right.

I just realized I never posted an update on the pet rat emergency I experienced last week. After my two youngest rats, Nicodemus and Weezie, got into a fight and sustained some serious injuries, my frustration over the emergency clinics refusing to treat Nicodemus or shamelessly price gouging had my blood boiling. I was left to care for his wound on my own until my regular vet's office opened on Monday.

For a day or two he got regular hydrogen peroxide swabs and slept on a t-shirt, but refused to wear a bandage. When I finally got him to my vet, they shaved him, gave him liquid stitches, and sent him home with antibiotics to ward off infection. He's going to be okay, though he looks a little funny with his reverse mohawk.

Nicodemus got shaved!
