Tuesday November 22, 2005
Harry Potter
Anyone see the new installment? I've been trying to decide whether or not I should bother. I'm not an HP reader, and I don't have My Old Roomie on hand to explain all of the things I won't understand. I don't want to fork over $9.00 only to end up lost and confused. Driving through University Cirlce lets me do that for free.
Hey girlie, I just found out I have a whole week off for Christmas! 10 straight days

I don't know much about HP either, so I went to see Rent, it was amazing.

i saw HP and i haven't read any of the books. i enjoyed it.. it's darker than any of the other movies, and the teenage hormones make for some funny moments.

Drina-diva, I,ve been lost and confused since the day I was born!
Your nodding acquaintance

Liz, I can't wait to see Rent!
Geeky, thanks for the info. I'll probably see HP when my old roomie comes up here for winter break.
Kid, we all knew that already

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hey girl...wait till december and I will walk you through it...but you should see it it is great!!!