Friday November 18, 2005
The end for Nik-nik?
Yesterday I came home from work to find my rat Nicodemus sick and nearly unable to move. The day before he was his usual self, running, climbing, exploring... and now he's dragging his hind legs and struggling to reach the food hopper.
Rats don't do stuff like this unless they're in serious trouble. This is the same thing that happened to Fat Bastard before he died last year. He had cancer.
I don't want him to die. I hate losing my pets.
i always loved that picture of Fatty typing. i hope nicodemus is ok.

Thanks guys. I think Nikki might get better... no sign of cancer. It's just scary seeing this kind of paralysis. Rats usually don't do that unless they're dying.
Joan, healthy rats with no respiratory bugs (called mycoplasma) can live about four years. Nikki is only a year and a half right now.

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Drina, sorry to hear about Nik. I hope he feels better soon.