Friday August 26, 2005
The news
After months of endless bitching about the horrors of my job, I've managed to score a new position doing exactly what I love: behavioral research (wooo for psychology!) Sometime next month, I'll be leaving the Pleveland Plinic forever and moving to Pace Pestern Peserve Puniversity, about a mile down the road.
This means I'll be sticking around Cleveland for a little longer instead of kickin' it with My Old Roomie in Atlanta, but in a strange twist, I may be moving in with My Old Roomie's other old roomie. Weird how things work out like that.
Wish me luck on the job and on finding a new apartment. Time to shop.
Thanks guys, can't wait to start at Case Western... er, I mean Pace Pestern
Roomie, we'll hit Hollywood video when you visit in October!

Drina-diva, I am delighted to hear you got a better job!
Home at last, Kid Charlemagne

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! that's great news! i hope you love your new job, and the new apartment and roomate :)