Wednesday March 09, 2005
Las Vegas
Plane tickets: check.
Hotel room: check.
Excitement: check.
Sightseeing ideas: no check.
When I think of Las Vegas, I think of gambling. And drinking a lot. Unfortunately for me (or perhaps, fortunately) I do neither. I know there are a lot of shows going on there, but what to see? Where to go?
I've never been there before so I'm kind of at a loss. Maybe I'll consult Frommer, or something. I really want this to be a fun trip. After the last few weeks of employment hell, I think I deserve a short summer trip.
I don't recall the name of the place, but its the lot where all the old "dead" neon signs are stored. I hear its a very cool place to see and photograph....

Jake, that sounds cool.
Klara, tell her to write a list out!
Liz, will do! Actually, I'll just snatch him up and make you jealous.

OK, I guess, just as long as it's just a photo of him and not one of YOU and him all over each other.

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If you happen to see Josh Duhamel from the show Las Vegas, knock him over the head, stuff him in a crate and ship him to me....or just tell him he has a big fan in Canada.