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College webcam fun

Looking back on it, I should never have brought my brand new webcam with me to college. My friends used it way more than I did, especially whenever I left the room. Here is some of their greatest work.

Dorm fun
Lisa does her best Cousin It impression

Dorm fun
Lisa being her usual self

Dorm fun
Extreme close-up

Dorm fun
Steph at night

Dorm fun
Attacked by Lisa

Dorm fun
Lisa does a dance

Dorm fun
Me, Steph and Lisa looking nice

Dorm fun
Me, Steph and Lisa looking stupid

Dorm fun
Pirouette abuse

Dorm fun
Steph plays with my hair

Dorm fun
Me, Steph, Erin and Theresa hanging out (yes, I know my eyes look weird)

Dorm fun
Erin being bashful

Dorm fun
Mezerized by the camera

Dorm fun
My old room, pre-decorating

Dorm fun
Me on the phone

Dorm fun
Stephanie checks herself out

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