The GRE is deadJune 24, 2004 | 02:27 PMI killed it. Yep, my good-ol' beads-and-braids peacenik self committed an act of violence today --against the GRE. For those who don't know, the GRE is the Graduate Record Examination... Basically it's the SAT for those who want to get into grad school. Everyone has to take it, and nobody likes it. The darn thing took me 4 hours (well, 3 hours and 58 minutes to be exact) to complete. I rushed through some of it, got nervous as my time ran out, and was certain toward the end that I had completely screwed up my chances at ever gracing the halls of a graduate institution (not really, but it's more interesting to say that than I hoped for the best). Anyway, I ended up doing better than I expected and improved my score by an acceptable margin. NO MORE GRE STUDY BOOKS. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
Drina Vurbic 2004 |