Human cloning... I know itSeptember 4, 2001 | 02:43 PMHuman cloning has officially begun. I'm sure of it. How else do you explain the fact that on every magazine cover, every television channel, every place you turn, Britney Spears is smiling back at you? There's more than one of this girl. There has to be. Sarah brought over the new Rolling Stone for me last night. Britney. YM came yesterday. Britney. I turned the radio on (92.3 "Xtreme" radio... blah blah blah). Britney. Doing Pepsi. ::That wasn't meant to sound dirty:: I'm suffering from Britney overexposure. I just can't get away from this girl. Last night, after handing over the all-about-Britney Rolling Stone, Sarah gave me a bottle of do-it-yourself highlights... she wanted her hair highlighted. Disaster. DISASTER! I don't know whether we left it in too long, or because I did a terrible job, but she had big orange stripes in her hair. We rushed out to Super K at 1 am to buy some brown dye, but when we got home we realized that it was just a semi-permanent brightening gel, not real dye. We did it anyway. Her scalp was red, her hair was still stripety orange, and I wanted to die. I felt so bad. I am never, ever going to dye anyone else's hair ever again. This is like that episode of Daria where she dyes Jane's hair and it turns out like fireworks-gone-wrong. Never. Maybe today we'll buy some more and try to fix it. And on to more positive things, how many layouts does it take to be an obsessive-compulsive designer? Either OCD, or brilliance. I'm still trying to figure out which. Steven has done it again. Seems like every post in this blog has some little shout-out to Steven and his new layout. I should just program this thing automatically to say, "Go see Steven's new layout," at the end of every post. Comments:On Human cloning... I know it
Drina Vurbic 2004 |